
W-2 Tax Email Scam Has Employees Giving Out Personal Information

If you haven’t heard the term “whaling attack,” as it relates to the hacking community, you’re not alone. It’s a fairly recent ...

Verizon Hacked: Was Your Account Affected?

One of the nation’s largest firms engaged in assisting other companies in dealing with data breaches has now confirmed that they themselves ...

Airplane WiFi Is About To Get Much Better

One of the worst things about taking business trips is the airplane WiFi. It’s a lesson in patience. More often than not, ...

Don’t Set Your iPhone To This Date, Or Else…

File this one away under things not to do. Not that you’d ever have a need to do this, but whatever you ...

Is Your Smart TV Listening To Your Personal Conversations?

The short answer to the question posed by this article’s title is yes. Yes, your smart TV is listening to your personal ...

Your Keyboard and Mouse Might Be Your Next Big Security Risk

Is nothing safe from the hacking community? It seems as though everything is under assault these days. Antivirus and malware blocking software ...

Could Selfies Soon Replace Your Passwords?

MasterCard has been experimenting with a new facial biometrics app, and is poised to roll it out in force later this year. ...

Will Getting Rid of Cards Increase Bank Security

The magnetic stripes on the backs of credit and debit cards are problematic. The root of the problem is that they contain ...

The Dangers of Open Wi-Fi

Have you secured your Wi-Fi connection yet? If not, your neighbors may be “borrowing” your internet connection. That poses some potential dangers ...

New Attack Puts Websites At Risk

Remember last year’s “Heartbleed” scare? If you don’t, or if you need a refresher, Heartbleed was a flaw in the security of ...